
@web0432 楼主你的网站挂掉了,试玩网址和视频教程看不到哦。









试玩链接好像404 了







这日志没有报错不? 怎么打开这么慢,用的最新的cc creater

2019-12-01T07:20:02.532Z - success: node-library loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.537Z - success: open-recent-items loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.548Z - success: package-asset loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.552Z - success: preferences loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.570Z - success: project-exporter loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.601Z - success: project-importer loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.740Z - success: project-settings loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.768Z - success: scene loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.776Z - success: simulator-debugger loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.782Z - success: sprite-editor loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.808Z - success: store loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.857Z - success: timeline loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.894Z - success: wechatgame-opendata loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.922Z - success: wechatgame loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:02.944Z - success: xiaomi-runtime loaded
2019-12-01T07:20:08.152Z - info: Cocos Services load base data!
2019-12-01T07:20:34.241Z - normal: Loading packages
2019-12-01T07:20:34.268Z - normal: Watching packages
2019-12-01T07:20:37.416Z - normal: Run Application
2019-12-01T07:20:56.797Z - warn: Please change the definition of property ‘dieAudio’ in class ‘Dici’. Starting from v1.10,
the use of declaring a property in CCClass as a URL has been deprecated.
For example, if property is Texture2D, the previous definition is:
dieAudio: cc.Texture2D,
// or:
dieAudio: {
url: cc.Texture2D,
default: “”
Now it should be changed to:
dieAudio: {
type: cc.Texture2D, // use ‘type:’ to define Texture2D object directly
default: null, // object’s default value is null
(This helps us to successfully refactor all RawAssets at v2.0, sorry for the inconvenience. :cold_sweat: )
2019-12-01T07:20:56.799Z - warn: Can not indicate the ‘cc.String’ attribute for “Dici.dieAudio”, which its default value is type of object.
2019-12-01T07:20:56.804Z - warn: Please change the definition of property ‘bgAudio’ in class ‘Main’. Starting from v1.10,
the use of declaring a property in CCClass as a URL has been deprecated.
For example, if property is Texture2D, the previous definition is:
bgAudio: cc.Texture2D,
// or:
bgAudio: {
url: cc.Texture2D,
default: “”
Now it should be changed to:
bgAudio: {
type: cc.Texture2D, // use ‘type:’ to define Texture2D object directly
default: null, // object’s default value is null
(This helps us to successfully refactor all RawAssets at v2.0, sorry for the inconvenience. :cold_sweat: )
2019-12-01T07:20:56.805Z - warn: Please change the definition of property ‘jumpAudio’ in class ‘Main’. Starting from v1.10,
the use of declaring a property in CCClass as a URL has been deprecated.
For example, if property is Texture2D, the previous definition is:
jumpAudio: cc.Texture2D,
// or:
jumpAudio: {
url: cc.Texture2D,
default: “”
Now it should be changed to:
jumpAudio: {
type: cc.Texture2D, // use ‘type:’ to define Texture2D object directly
default: null, // object’s default value is null
(This helps us to successfully refactor all RawAssets at v2.0, sorry for the inconvenience. :cold_sweat: )
2019-12-01T07:20:56.808Z - warn: Can not indicate the ‘cc.String’ attribute for “Main.bgAudio”, which its default value is type of object.
2019-12-01T07:20:56.809Z - warn: Can not indicate the ‘cc.String’ attribute for “Main.jumpAudio”, which its default value is type of object.
2019-12-01T07:20:56.817Z - warn: Please change the definition of property ‘bgAudio’ in class ‘WelcomeCame’. Starting from v1.10,
the use of declaring a property in CCClass as a URL has been deprecated.
For example, if property is Texture2D, the previous definition is:
bgAudio: cc.Texture2D,
// or:
bgAudio: {
url: cc.Texture2D,
default: “”
Now it should be changed to:
bgAudio: {
type: cc.Texture2D, // use ‘type:’ to define Texture2D object directly
default: null, // object’s default value is null
(This helps us to successfully refactor all RawAssets at v2.0, sorry for the inconvenience. :cold_sweat: )
2019-12-01T07:20:56.818Z - warn: Can not indicate the ‘cc.String’ attribute for “WelcomeCame.bgAudio”, which its default value is type of object.


