默认的CMAKE编译现在已经OK了 但是换成NDK编译就不行了 不知道是怎么回事
CMAKE编译的在C++代码里打断点没有用没效果 运行和调试模式都不行
但是我以前某个版本还是DNK编译的是时候 直接运行就能在C++代码里打断点
不知道是NDK编译的原因还是 AS的原因 还是什么的原因。。
我已经改成这样了 PROP_BUILD_TYPE=ndk-build
`External native generate JSON debug: starting JSON generation
External native generate JSON debug: using platform version 16 for ABI ARMEABI_V7A and min SDK version 16
External native generate JSON debug: JSON ‘E:\Evanue\art\xyt\frameworks\runtime-src\proj.android\app.externalNativeBuild\ndkBuild\debug\armeabi-v7a\android_gradle_build.json’ was up-to-date
External native generate JSON debug: JSON generation completed without problems
:xyt:externalNativeBuildDebug FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:xyt:externalNativeBuildDebug’.
Unexpected native build target cocos2dlua. Valid values are: ext_vorbisidec, ccds, cpufeatures, ccb, ets, luaccandroid, spine, ext_pvmp3dec, luacc, flatbuffers, ccs, ui, recast, c3d, cclua, audio, cc_core, net, ccandroid
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. -
Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
41 actionable tasks: 24 executed, 17 up-to-date`