var MyLoaderScene = cc.Scene.extend({ _interval : null, _length : 0, _count : 0, _label : null, _className:"MyLoaderScene", init : function(){ var self = this; //logo var logoWidth = 160; var logoHeight = 200; // bg var bgLayer = self._bgLayer = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.color(32, 32, 32, 255)); bgLayer.setPosition(cc.visibleRect.bottomLeft); self.addChild(bgLayer, 0); //image move to CCSceneFile.js var fontSize = 24, lblHeight = -logoHeight / 2 + 100; // if(cc.local_loaderImage){ // //loading logo // cc.loader.loadImg(cc.local_loaderImage, {isCrossOrigin : false }, function(err, img){ // logoWidth = img.width; // logoHeight = img.height; // self._initStage(img, cc.visibleRect.center); // }); // fontSize = 14; // lblHeight = -logoHeight / 2 - 10; // } //loading percent var label = self._label = cc.LabelTTF.create("Loading... 0%", "Arial", fontSize); label.setPosition(cc.pAdd(cc.visibleRect.center, cc.p(0, lblHeight))); label.setColor(cc.color(180, 180, 180)); bgLayer.addChild(this._label, 10); return true; }, _initStage: function (img, centerPos) { var self = this; var texture2d = self._texture2d = new cc.Texture2D(); texture2d.initWithElement(img); texture2d.handleLoadedTexture(); var logo = self._logo = cc.Sprite.create(texture2d); logo.setScale(cc.contentScaleFactor()); logo.x = centerPos.x; logo.y = centerPos.y; self._bgLayer.addChild(logo, 10); }, onEnter: function () { var self = this; cc.Node.prototype.onEnter.call(self); self.schedule(self._startLoading, 0.3); }, onExit: function () { cc.Node.prototype.onExit.call(this); var tmpStr = "Loading... 0%"; this._label.setString(tmpStr); }, /** * init with resources * @param {Array} resources * @param {Function|String} cb */ initWithResources: function (resources, cb) { if(typeof resources == "string") resources = ; this.resources = resources || ]; this.cb = cb; }, _startLoading: function () { var self = this; self.unschedule(self._startLoading); var res = self.resources; self._length = res.length; self._count = 0; cc.loader.load(res, function(result, count){ self._count = count; }, function(){ if(self.cb) self.cb(); }); self.schedule(self._updatePercent); }, _updatePercent: function () { var self = this; var count = self._count; var length = self._length; var percent = (count / length * 100) | 0; percent = Math.min(percent, 100); self._label.setString("Loading... " + percent + "%"); if(count >= length) self.unschedule(self._updatePercent); } }); MyLoaderScene.preload = function(resources, cb){ var _myLoaderScene = null; if(!_myLoaderScene) { _myLoaderScene = new MyLoaderScene(); _myLoaderScene.init(); } _myLoaderScene.initWithResources(resources, cb); cc.director.runScene(_myLoaderScene); return _myLoaderScene; }; ``` 然后调用的时候,用自己写的替换掉之前的 如用MyLoaderScene.preload(g_resources, function () { // todo something } ``` 替换cc.LoaderScene.preload(g_resources, function () { // todo something } ```
_updatePercent: function () {
var self = this;
var count = self._count;
var length = self._length;
var percent = (count / length * 100) | 0;
percent = Math.min(percent, 100);
self._label.setString("Loading… " + percent + “%”);
if(count >= length) self.unschedule(self._updatePercent);
这里的count和length 总是一样的 每次直走一边 从0到100没有过度呢
帮忙看看 我这出现的问题 谢啦
没有解决 但是资源加载正常 只不过加载的百分比一直都是0直接到100% 没有过度 到100后等一会 才进去