
那这里 牵涉到了 1个问题
_updateViewPort(x, y, width, height) {
if (this._viewPort.width === width &&
this._viewPort.height === height &&
this._viewPort.x === x &&
this._viewPort.y === y) {
this._viewPort.x = x;
this._viewPort.y = y;
this._viewPort.width = width;
this._viewPort.height = height;
// if map's type is iso, reserve bottom line is 2 to avoid show empty grid because of iso grid arithmetic let reserveLine = 1; if (this._layerOrientation === cc.TiledMap.Orientation.ISO) { reserveLine = 2; }
let vpx = this._viewPort.x - this._offset.x + this._leftDownToCenterX; let vpy = this._viewPort.y - this._offset.y + this._leftDownToCenterY;
let leftDownX = vpx - this._leftOffset; let leftDownY = vpy - this._downOffset; let rightTopX = vpx + width + this._rightOffset; let rightTopY = vpy + height + this._topOffset;
let leftDown = this._cullingRect.leftDown; let rightTop = this._cullingRect.rightTop;
if (leftDownX < 0) leftDownX = 0; if (leftDownY < 0) leftDownY = 0;
// calc left down this._positionToRowCol(leftDownX, leftDownY, _tempRowCol); // make range large _tempRowCol.row -= reserveLine; _tempRowCol.col -= reserveLine; // insure left down row col greater than 0 _tempRowCol.row = _tempRowCol.row > 0 ? _tempRowCol.row : 0; _tempRowCol.col = _tempRowCol.col > 0 ? _tempRowCol.col : 0;
if (_tempRowCol.row !== leftDown.row || _tempRowCol.col !== leftDown.col) { leftDown.row = _tempRowCol.row; leftDown.col = _tempRowCol.col; this._cullingDirty = true; }
// show nothing if (rightTopX < 0 || rightTopY < 0) { _tempRowCol.row = -1; _tempRowCol.col = -1; } else { // calc right top this._positionToRowCol(rightTopX, rightTopY, _tempRowCol); // make range large _tempRowCol.row++; _tempRowCol.col++; }
// avoid range out of max rect if (_tempRowCol.row > this._rightTop.row) _tempRowCol.row = this._rightTop.row; if (_tempRowCol.col > this._rightTop.col) _tempRowCol.col = this._rightTop.col;
if (_tempRowCol.row !== rightTop.row || _tempRowCol.col !== rightTop.col) { rightTop.row = _tempRowCol.row; rightTop.col = _tempRowCol.col; this._cullingDirty = true; } },
let camera = this.mapCamera; //临时 //centerP = centerP.add(cc.v2(0, 667)); let width = cc.game.canvas.width / cc.view._scaleX; let height = cc.game.canvas.height / cc.view._scaleY; let screenRect = new cc.Rect(0, 0, width, height); let screenArray = []; screenArray.push(cc.v2(0, 0)); screenArray.push(cc.v2(0, height)); screenArray.push(cc.v2(width, height)); screenArray.push(cc.v2(width, 0)); let worldArray = []; screenArray.forEach((sp) => { let p = camera.MyScreenToWorld(sp); worldArray.push(p.add(cc.v2(-width / 2, -height / 2))); }) let xMin = null; let yMin = null; let xMax = null; let yMax = null; worldArray.forEach((p) => { if (xMin === null || p.x < xMin) { xMin = p.x; } if (yMin === null || p.y < yMin) { yMin = p.y; } if (xMax === null || p.x > xMax) { xMax = p.x; } if (yMax === null || p.y > yMax) { yMax = p.y; } }); let mapConfig = this.getMapConfigData(); let startP = cc.v2(xMin, yMax) .add(cc.v2(mapConfig.size.width / 2, mapConfig.size.height / 2)) .add(cc.v2(-mapConfig.mapTileSize.width / 2, mapConfig.mapTileSize.height / 2)); let endP = cc.v2(xMax, yMin) .add(cc.v2(mapConfig.size.width / 2, mapConfig.size.height / 2)) .add(cc.v2(mapConfig.mapTileSize.width / 2, -mapConfig.mapTileSize.height / 2)); let x = startP.x; let y = startP.y; let maxRow = mapConfig.layerSize.height; let maxCol = mapConfig.layerSize.width; let array = []; let r = 0; while (x != null && y != null) { if (x > endP.x) { y = y - mapConfig.mapTileSize.height / 2; if (y < endP.y) { break; } else { r++; x = startP.x + r % 2 * mapConfig.mapTileSize.width / 2; } } else { x = x + mapConfig.mapTileSize.width; } let p = cc.v2(x, y); let tileP = this.convertPosToTile(p); let tilex = tileP.x % maxCol; let tiley = tileP.y % maxRow; if (tilex < 0) { tilex += maxCol; } if (tiley < 0) { tiley += maxRow; } let tileData = { tilePos: cc.v2(tilex, tiley), realTilePos: tileP, }
array.push(tileData); }
for (let i = 0; i < mapConfig.tileLayers.length; i++) { let tileLayer = mapConfig.tileLayers[i]; tileLayer.needTileArray = array; }
这样 你可以得到一个列表(列表里是每个tile的位置), 另外就是每个tile的位置计算问题了
计算 公式…