Cocos Creator 3.4.2 版本模拟器运行了一下就退出了

2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] menu@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] profile@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] project@1.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] messages@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] program@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] device@1.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] ui-kit@1.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] tester@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:48-log: [Package] preferences@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:49-log: Setup mods mgr.: 300.709ms
2022-06-23 17:09:49-log: Profile changed: engine (modules.includeModules: 2d,audio,base,dragon-bones,gfx-webgl,gfx-webgl2,intersection-2d,marionette,particle-2d,physics-2d-box2d,profiler,spine,tiled-map,tween,ui,video,webview)
2022-06-23 17:09:49-log: [Package] engine@1.0.5 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:51-log: [Package] programming@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:51-log: [Package] engine-extends@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:51-log: [Package] asset-db@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:51-log: [Package] console@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:51-log: [Package] scene@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:52-log: [Package] about@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:52-log: [Package] server@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:52-log: [Package] utils@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:52-log: [Package] inspector@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:52-log: [Package] hierarchy@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:53-log: [Package] preview@1.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:53-log: [Package] animator@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] builder@1.3.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] node-library@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] shortcuts@1.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] package-asset@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] reference-image@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] animation-graph@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] channel-upload-tools@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] runtime-dev-tools@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] lightmap@1.0.4 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] alipay-mini-game@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] android@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] baidu-mini-game@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] bytedance-mini-game@1.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] huawei-agc@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] ios@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] ios-app-clip@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] mac@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] native@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] ohos@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] web-desktop@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] web-mobile@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] wechatgame@1.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] windows@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:55-log: [Package] xiaomi-quick-game@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] cocos-play@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] huawei-quick-game@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] link-sure@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] oppo-mini-game@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] qtt@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] vivo-mini-game@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] cocos-service@3.0.2 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] importer@1.0.0 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:56-log: [Package] extension@3.0.15 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:57-log: [Im-plugin] Check im-plugin version.
2022-06-23 17:09:57-log: [Package] im-plugin@3.0.8 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:57-log: [Package] hot-update@2.0.1 enable
2022-06-23 17:09:57-log: [Im-plugin] No online info of im-plugin.
2022-06-23 17:10:05-warn: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db

Why you should do it regularly:
2022-06-23 17:10:06-log: [Scene] Cocos Creator v3.4.2
2022-06-23 17:10:07-info: [Scene] Forward render pipeline initialized.
2022-06-23 17:10:35-log: 17:10:34 [DEBUG]: SCREEN DPI = 96, SCREEN SCALE = 1.00
17:10:34 [DEBUG]: WORKAREA WIDTH 1912.00, HEIGHT 989.00
17:10:34 [DEBUG]: FRAME SCALE = 1.00
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: Project Config:
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: project dir: F:\apps\CocosDashboard\resources.editors\Creator\3.4.2\resources\resources\3d\engine-native\simulator\Debug
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: writable path: (PROJDIR)\ 17:10:35 [DEBUG]: script file: (PROJDIR)\main.js
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: frame size: 414 x 896
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: frame scale: 1.00
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: show console: NO
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: write debug log: NO ()
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: listen:
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: debugger: none
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: add searching path:
17:10:35 [DEBUG]:

17:10:35 [DEBUG]: [WARNING]:not find lang
D/jswrapper (455): Initializing V8, version: 9.1.269

2022-06-23 17:10:35-log: D/jswrapper (793): libuv version: 1.41.0

2022-06-23 17:10:35-log: Number of interfaces: 4
D/jswrapper (140): Debugger listening…, visit [

2022-06-23 17:10:35-log: D/jswrapper (143): devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?v8only=true&ws=
D/jswrapper (143): devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?v8only=true&ws=
D/jswrapper (145): ] in chrome browser to debug!

2022-06-23 17:10:35-log: D/jswrapper (149): For help see

2022-06-23 17:10:35-log: 17:10:35 [DEBUG]: In the constructor of HttpClient!
17:10:35 [DEBUG]: iShow!
D/jswrapper (576): XMLHttpRequest_finalize, 0000025018C79E70 …

2022-06-23 17:10:36-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.AmbientInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:10:36-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.SkyboxInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:10:36-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.FogInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:10:36-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.ShadowsInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:10:36-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.OctreeInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:10:36-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: ‘cc.ParticleSystem2D.color’ hides inherited property ‘cc.Renderable2D.color’. To make the current property override that implementation, add the override: true attribute please.

2022-06-23 17:14:27-log: 17:14:27 [DEBUG]: SCREEN DPI = 96, SCREEN SCALE = 1.00
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: WORKAREA WIDTH 1912.00, HEIGHT 989.00
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: FRAME SCALE = 1.00
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: Project Config:
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: project dir: F:\apps\CocosDashboard\resources.editors\Creator\3.4.2\resources\resources\3d\engine-native\simulator\Debug
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: writable path: (PROJDIR)\ 17:14:27 [DEBUG]: script file: (PROJDIR)\main.js
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: frame size: 414 x 896
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: frame scale: 1.00
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: show console: NO
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: write debug log: NO ()
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: listen:
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: debugger: none
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: add searching path:
17:14:27 [DEBUG]:

17:14:27 [DEBUG]: [WARNING]:not find lang
D/jswrapper (455): Initializing V8, version: 9.1.269

2022-06-23 17:14:27-log: D/jswrapper (793): libuv version: 1.41.0

2022-06-23 17:14:27-log: Number of interfaces: 4
D/jswrapper (140): Debugger listening…, visit [

2022-06-23 17:14:27-log: D/jswrapper (143): devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?v8only=true&ws=

2022-06-23 17:14:27-log: D/jswrapper (143): devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?v8only=true&ws=

2022-06-23 17:14:27-log: D/jswrapper (145): ] in chrome browser to debug!

2022-06-23 17:14:27-log: D/jswrapper (149): For help see

2022-06-23 17:14:28-log: 17:14:27 [DEBUG]: In the constructor of HttpClient!
17:14:27 [DEBUG]: iShow!
D/jswrapper (576): XMLHttpRequest_finalize, 000002148633EBB0 …

2022-06-23 17:14:28-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.AmbientInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:14:28-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.SkyboxInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:14:28-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.FogInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:14:28-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.ShadowsInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:14:28-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: Can not use ‘editor’ attribute, ‘cc.OctreeInfo’ not inherits from Components.

2022-06-23 17:14:28-log: D/jswrapper (135): JS: ‘cc.ParticleSystem2D.color’ hides inherited property ‘cc.Renderable2D.color’. To make the current property override that implementation, add the override: true attribute please.

XMLHttpRequest_finalize 一样的问题,楼主解决了么啊 :scream: