

一个是 我构建是报错 No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found.
但仍然会有warning 我没有找到相关文档 不知道这样对不对

另外一个 就是成功构建后 我没找到工程文件 iOS和Mac都没有
用编辑器的生成 会报错 clang: error: unsupported option ‘–build’ 之类的 也无法进行


build-ios-proj 看看??



构建报错了,所以没有正常输出资源,你把 native 目录删除,重新构建试试?如果不行的话,把构建日志发出来下



截屏2023-02-01 17.13.53

2023-2-1 17:12:41-debug: =================================== Build Task (ios) Start ================================
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onBeforeBuild ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 207.13MB heapUsed 183.54MB rss 443.71MB
2023-2-1 17:12:41-debug: Build with Cocos Creator 3.6.1
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: cocos-service:(onBeforeBuild) start…0%
2023-2-1 17:12:41-debug: Start build task, options:
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onBeforeBuild ---- (27ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: cocos-service:(onBeforeBuild) in 27 ms2%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Query all assets info in project
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: init custom config: keepNodeUuid: false, useCache: true
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: BuildAssetLibrary query-assets with assets 312
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of all scenes: 1
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: native:(onAfterInit) start…2%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterInit ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 206.06MB heapUsed 181.14MB rss 443.75MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: BuildAssetLibrary initialized with asset 403!
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of other assets: 382
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of all scripts: 0
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Native engine root:/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.6.1/CocosCreator.app/Contents/Resources/resources/3d/engine/native
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterInit ---- (247ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: native:(onAfterInit) in 247 ms4%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: ios:(onAfterInit) start…4%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task ios:onAfterInit ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 184.33MB rss 439.04MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: ios:(onAfterInit) in 0 ms7%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 184.37MB rss 439.04MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onAfterInit ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: cocos-service:(onAfterInit) start…7%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onAfterInit ---- (4ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: cocos-service:(onAfterInit) in 4 ms9%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: localization-editor:(onAfterInit) start…9%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task localization-editor:onAfterInit ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 184.42MB rss 439.04MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task localization-editor:onAfterInit ---- (3ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: localization-editor:(onAfterInit) in 3 ms11%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 加载刷新项目脚本 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 184.45MB rss 439.04MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 加载刷新项目脚本 start11%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: reload all scripts.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Incremental keys:
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Set detail map pack:///resolution-detail-map.json: {}
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/temp/programming/packer-driver/targets/editor/chunks/d0/d0b282b9748ef7fc7d2e7bd647d71b0f7e84da53.js resolved to /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/temp/programming/packer-driver/targets/editor/chunks/d0/d0b282b9748ef7fc7d2e7bd647d71b0f7e84da53.js is not in module cache!
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/base” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/animation” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/skeletal-animation” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/2d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/ui” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/particle” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/particle-2d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/physics-framework” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/physics-2d-framework” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/intersection-2d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/primitive” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/gfx-webgl2” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/geometry-renderer” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/audio” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/video” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/xr” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/terrain” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/webview” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/tween” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/3d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/spine” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/dragon-bones” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/custom-pipeline” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/base” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/gfx-webgl” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/gfx-webgl2” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/3d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/animation” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/skeletal-animation” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/2d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/ui” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/particle” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/particle-2d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/physics-framework” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/physics-2d-framework” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/intersection-2d” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/primitive” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/profiler” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/geometry-renderer” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/audio” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/video” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/xr” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/terrain” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/webview” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/tween” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/tiled-map” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/spine” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/dragon-bones” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/custom-pipeline” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “pack:///chunks/d0/d0b282b9748ef7fc7d2e7bd647d71b0f7e84da53.js” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Invalidating ‘pack:///chunks/d0/d0b282b9748ef7fc7d2e7bd647d71b0f7e84da53.js’
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “pack:///chunks/d0/d0b282b9748ef7fc7d2e7bd647d71b0f7e84da53.js” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/gfx-webgl” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/tiled-map” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “cce:/internal/x/cc-fu/profiler” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/temp/programming/packer-driver/targets/editor/chunks/05/051e512bc19ae273b1b08b612b292a731729aa05.js resolved to /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/temp/programming/packer-driver/targets/editor/chunks/05/051e512bc19ae273b1b08b612b292a731729aa05.js is not in module cache!
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “pack:///chunks/05/051e512bc19ae273b1b08b612b292a731729aa05.js” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: [[Executor]] Module “pack:///chunks/05/051e512bc19ae273b1b08b612b292a731729aa05.js” loaded.
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 加载刷新项目脚本 ---- (23ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 查询 Asset Bundle start12%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 186.34MB rss 439.20MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 查询 Asset Bundle ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 加载刷新项目脚本 success in 23 ms √12%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 查询 Asset Bundle ---- (6ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 186.39MB rss 439.20MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 查询使用的资源以及资源包配置 start14%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 查询使用的资源以及资源包配置 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 查询 Asset Bundle success in 6 ms √14%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Query preload assets from cc.config.json: 60f7195c-ec2a-45eb-ba94-8955f60e81d0,1c02ae6f-4492-4915-b8f8-7492a3b1e4cd,810e96e4-e456-4468-9b59-f4e8f39732c0,efe8e2a3-eace-427b-b4f1-cb8a937ec77d,e9aa9a3e-5b2b-4ac7-a2c7-073de2b2b24f,8bbdbcdd-5cd4-4100-b6d5-b7c9625b6107,50f4348b-c883-4e2f-8f11-ce233b859fa1,fda095cb-831d-4601-ad94-846013963de8,f92806d7-1768-443f-afe8-12bcde84d0f0,dd3a144d-ab7f-41f0-82b8-2e43a090d496,f0416e68-0200-4b77-a926-4f9d16e494da,ff9be190-20a4-4e48-b68c-76e3c7cff085,970b0598-bcb0-4714-91fb-2e81440dccd8,bcd64cc6-2dd9-43f6-abbe-66318d332032,d930590d-bb92-4cc8-8bd1-23cd027f9edf,a3cd009f-0ab0-420d-9278-b9fdab939bbc,9361fd90-ba52-4f84-aa93-6e878fd576ca,871c3b6c-7379-419d-bda3-794b239ab90d,c27215d8-6835-4b68-bfbb-bdeac6100c04,b5d6115f-0370-4d7c-aad3-c194cc71cf98
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of scenes: 1
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of assets: 25
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of asset bundle: 2
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 查询使用的资源以及资源包配置 ---- (18ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 查询使用的资源以及资源包配置 success in 18 ms √15%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: sort script group…
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 整理脚本分组与脚本数据 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.11MB rss 439.43MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 整理脚本分组与脚本数据 start15%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 整理脚本分组与脚本数据 success in 0 ms √16%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 整理纹理压缩任务 start16%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 整理纹理压缩任务 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.14MB rss 439.43MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of image-compress task: 0
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 整理纹理压缩任务 ---- (5ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.19MB rss 439.43MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Number of json group: 2
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 初步划分 JSON 合并分组 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 整理纹理压缩任务 success in 5 ms √17%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 初步划分 JSON 合并分组 start17%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 初步划分 JSON 合并分组 ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 初步划分 JSON 合并分组 success in 1 ms √19%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 整理合并压缩 Texture2D 的 JSON 数据 start19%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 整理合并压缩 Texture2D 的 JSON 数据 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.22MB rss 439.44MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 整理合并压缩 Texture2D 的 JSON 数据 ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.25MB rss 439.44MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 收集 importMap 信息 start20%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 收集 importMap 信息 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 整理合并压缩 Texture2D 的 JSON 数据 success in 1 ms √20%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 收集 importMap 信息 ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 收集 importMap 信息 success in 1 ms √21%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: native:(onBeforeBuildAssets) start…21%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task native:onBeforeBuildAssets ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.28MB rss 439.44MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: native:(onBeforeBuildAssets) in 0 ms23%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: localization-editor:(onBeforeBuildAssets) start…23%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task localization-editor:onBeforeBuildAssets ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.32MB rss 439.45MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task localization-editor:onBeforeBuildAssets ---- (5ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.35MB rss 439.45MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Start collect pack info
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 构建自动图集 start26%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 构建自动图集 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: localization-editor:(onBeforeBuildAssets) in 5 ms26%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 构建自动图集 success in 0 ms √32%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 图片拷贝压缩任务 start32%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 图片拷贝压缩任务 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.39MB rss 439.46MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 图片拷贝压缩任务 ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.42MB rss 439.46MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Asset Bundle(internal) handle assets: 20
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 将资源拷贝到指定位置 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 图片拷贝压缩任务 success in 1 ms √39%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 将资源拷贝到指定位置 start39%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Asset Bundle(main) handle assets: 5
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 将资源拷贝到指定位置 ---- (4ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 将分组后的 json 与散文件构建到指定位置 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 将分组后的 json 与散文件构建到指定位置 start46%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 将资源拷贝到指定位置 success in 4 ms √46%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 208.79MB heapUsed 188.48MB rss 439.46MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Json group(0846c28f0) compile success,json number: 6
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Json group(049c4bbf3) compile success,json number: 6
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 将分组后的 json 与散文件构建到指定位置 ---- (41ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 将分组后的 json 与散文件构建到指定位置 success in 41 ms √52%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 压缩 Zip Bundle start52%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 压缩 Zip Bundle ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 210.29MB heapUsed 185.86MB rss 440.17MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 压缩 Zip Bundle ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: Process: heapTotal 210.29MB heapUsed 185.89MB rss 440.18MB
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: 打包脚本 start59%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: // ---- build task 打包脚本 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:42-debug: run build task 压缩 Zip Bundle success in 1 ms √59%
2023-2-1 17:12:42-warn: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db

2023-2-1 17:12:43-debug: Caught exception during build core-js: WebpackOptionsValidationError: Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.

2023-2-1 17:12:47-debug: 构建项目脚本 start…59%
2023-2-1 17:12:47-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 191.82MB rss 279.71MB
2023-2-1 17:12:48-log: Run build task(build-script) in child, see: chrome://inspect/#devices
2023-2-1 17:12:48-log: [build-script]enter sub process 49612, /Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.6.1/CocosCreator.app/Contents/Frameworks/CocosCreator Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/CocosCreator Helper (Renderer),/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.6.1/CocosCreator.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/builtin/builder/static/sub-process-index

2023-2-1 17:12:51-warn: [build-script]Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx update-browserslist-db@latest
Why you should do it regularly: https://github.com/browserslist/update-db#readme

2023-2-1 17:12:51-warn: [build-script]Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db

Why you should do it regularly:

2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: excute-script over with build-script 7294ms
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Copy externalScripts success!
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 构建项目脚本 in (7658 ms) √59%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 192.10MB rss 279.81MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 构建引擎脚本 start…59%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Use cache engine: {link(/var/folders/t8/8mrkttpd1g79hyvs6f185vb40000gn/T/CocosCreator/3.6.1/builder/engine/d7833ca7c68144701255799759630c8c)}
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: {“debug”:false,“sourceMaps”:false,“includeModules”:[“2d”,“animation”,“audio”,“base”,“dragon-bones”,“gfx-webgl”,“gfx-webgl2”,“intersection-2d”,“marionette”,“particle-2d”,“physics-2d-box2d”,“profiler”,“skeletal-animation”,“spine”,“tiled-map”,“tween”,“ui”,“video”,“webview”,“xr”],“engineVersion”:“3.6.1”,“platform”:“NATIVE”,“md5Map”:[],“engineName”:“src/cocos-js”,“useCache”:true,“targets”:“chrome 80”,“flags”:{“DEBUG”:false},“entry”:"/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.6.1/CocosCreator.app/Contents/Resources/resources/3d/engine"}
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 构建引擎脚本 in (123 ms) √59%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 打包脚本 ---- (12654ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterBuildAssets ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: native:(onAfterBuildAssets) start…66%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.61MB rss 280.13MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 打包脚本 success in 12654 ms √66%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterBuildAssets ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 给所有的资源加上 MD5 后缀 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 给所有的资源加上 MD5 后缀 start68%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.65MB rss 280.14MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: native:(onAfterBuildAssets) in 1 ms68%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 给所有的资源加上 MD5 后缀 success in 0 ms √78%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.68MB rss 280.15MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 初始化 settings.json 与 config.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 初始化 settings.json 与 config.json start78%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 初始化 settings.json 与 config.json ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 初始化 settings.json 与 config.json success in 1 ms √78%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.71MB rss 280.17MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: builder.tasks.settings.macro start78%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task builder.tasks.settings.macro ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: builder.tasks.settings.macro 字段未在编辑器多语言内定义
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task builder.tasks.settings.macro success in 3 ms √79%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.74MB rss 280.18MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 整理部分构建选项内数据到 settings.json start79%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 整理部分构建选项内数据到 settings.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task builder.tasks.settings.macro ---- (3ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 整理部分构建选项内数据到 settings.json ---- (5ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 整理部分构建选项内数据到 settings.json success in 5 ms √79%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: custom joint texture layouts start79%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task custom joint texture layouts ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.83MB rss 280.18MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task custom joint texture layouts ---- (3ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task custom joint texture layouts success in 3 ms √80%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: custom joint physics start80%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task custom joint physics ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.86MB rss 280.18MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task custom joint physics success in 0 ms √81%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 填充脚本数据到 settings.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 填充脚本数据到 settings.json start81%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.89MB rss 280.19MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 填充脚本数据到 settings.json success in 0 ms √81%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.91MB rss 280.20MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 填充场景数据到 settings.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 填充场景数据到 settings.json start81%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 填充场景数据到 settings.json success in 0 ms √82%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 整理资源分组,生成 packedAssets 以及 rawAssets 数据 start82%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 整理资源分组,生成 packedAssets 以及 rawAssets 数据 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.94MB rss 280.20MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 整理资源分组,生成 packedAssets 以及 rawAssets 数据 success in 1 ms √82%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 193.98MB rss 280.20MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: options.md5Cache is false.
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 从 suffixMap 生成 md5AssetsMap 到 settings.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 整理资源分组,生成 packedAssets 以及 rawAssets 数据 ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 从 suffixMap 生成 md5AssetsMap 到 settings.json start82%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 从 suffixMap 生成 md5AssetsMap 到 settings.json ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 194.02MB rss 280.21MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 从 suffixMap 生成 md5AssetsMap 到 settings.json success in 1 ms √83%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onBeforeCompressSettings ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: cocos-service:(onBeforeCompressSettings) start…83%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onBeforeCompressSettings ---- (4ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 生成 import-map.json start85%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 生成 import-map.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 194.07MB rss 280.23MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: cocos-service:(onBeforeCompressSettings) in 4 ms85%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 生成 import-map.json ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 生成 import-map.json success in 1 ms √86%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 压缩 config.json 与 settings.json start86%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 压缩 config.json 与 settings.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 194.10MB rss 280.23MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 压缩 config.json 与 settings.json ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 压缩 config.json 与 settings.json success in 1 ms √87%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 保存 config.json start87%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 保存 config.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 194.15MB rss 280.25MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 保存 config.json ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 194.19MB rss 280.25MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 保存 settings.json start88%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 保存 settings.json ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 保存 config.json success in 1 ms √88%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 保存 settings.json ---- (1ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 保存 settings.json success in 1 ms √89%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: 整理静态模板文件 start89%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 整理静态模板文件 ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 214.44MB heapUsed 194.33MB rss 280.26MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-warn: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db

Why you should do it regularly:

2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task 整理静态模板文件 ---- (51ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: native:(onAfterCompressSettings) start…90%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: run build task 整理静态模板文件 success in 51 ms √90%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterCompressSettings ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 216.02MB heapUsed 197.98MB rss 281.06MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/build/ios/proj/main.cpp
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/build/ios/proj/settings.gradle
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios/res/values/strings.xml
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/build/ios/proj/main.m
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios/app/build.gradle
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios/instantapp/build.gradle
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios/app/AndroidManifest.xml
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios/instantapp/AndroidManifest.xml
2023-2-1 17:12:55-log: While replace template content, file /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios/entry/src/main/config.json
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterCompressSettings ---- (49ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: native:(onAfterCompressSettings) in 49 ms92%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 216.02MB heapUsed 198.60MB rss 281.34MB
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onAfterCompressSettings ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: cocos-service:(onAfterCompressSettings) start…92%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onAfterCompressSettings ---- (6ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: cocos-service:(onAfterCompressSettings) in 6 ms94%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: native:(onAfterBuild) start…94%
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterBuild ----
2023-2-1 17:12:55-debug: Process: heapTotal 216.02MB heapUsed 198.72MB rss 281.46MB
2023-2-1 17:12:56-log: run /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang -S “/Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios” -GXcode -B"/Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/build/ios/proj" -T buildsystem=12 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DRES_DIR="/Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/build/ios" -DAPP_NAME=“NewProject_mac_test”
2023-2-1 17:12:57-warn: [cmake-warn] clang: warning: /Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/native/engine/ios: ‘linker’ input unused [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: ‘-G Xcode’ [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: ‘-T buildsystem=12’ [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: ‘-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS’ [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: ‘-D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++’ [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: ‘-D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang’ [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: ‘-D RES_DIR=/Users/luyueyan/Documents/cocosDoc/NewProject_mac_test/build/ios’ [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: ‘-D APP_NAME=NewProject_mac_test’ [-Wunused-command-line-argument]

2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: // ---- build task native:onAfterBuild ---- (1478ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: native:(onAfterBuild) in 1478 ms97%
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: Process: heapTotal 217.36MB heapUsed 196.03MB rss 282.52MB
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: cocos-service:(onAfterBuild) start…97%
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onAfterBuild ----
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: // ---- build task cocos-service:onAfterBuild ---- (5ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: cocos-service:(onAfterBuild) in 5 ms99%
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: builder:build-project-total (15380ms)
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: build success in 15380 ms!
2023-2-1 17:12:57-debug: ================================ Build Task (ios) Finished in (15394)ms ================================

这个本来应该是cmake的,你的本地不知道为什么变成 clang 了,可能配置参数存在异常,可以提供下你的项目工程。(把 assets, build, library, temp 目录清空的后压缩成zip发过来下)

NewProject_mac_test.zip (2.1 MB)

我没有找到文档 按照自己的理解传了个/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/c++

这个 CMake 路径不配置也是可以,编辑器有自带

好的 谢谢 @286540194 也同样感谢

是的,这个提交优化了,下个更新版本会显示内置 cmake 路径。