勾勾、选选就完事,WebEasyObfus 混淆項目代码就这样简单。
下载项目成 ZIP 文件。
。 -
cd ${your_project_path}/extensions/web-zip-bundle
npm install
npm run build
到 Editor 菜单 Extension -> Extension Manager -> Installed 启用
到 Build Setting 新增 New Build Task 并选择平台 WebMobile/WebDesktop。到 Panel 中下拉找到 web-easy-obfus 选项。
- 启用后,会对建置项目资料夹中
- 启用后,会对建置项目资料夹中
Select Obfus Level:混淆分为五个等级,等级越高,混淆程度越彻底,但文件体积会增大,执行性能可能略受影响。
基础 (Minimal),對 javascript-obfuscator 設定分別為:
{ // Minifies the output code to reduce file size. "compact": true, // Disables converting code into a more complex control flow structure. "controlFlowFlattening": false, // Disables adding redundant dead code blocks. "deadCodeInjection": false, // Keeps global variable names unchanged. "renameGlobals": false, // Avoids extracting strings into a separate array for simplicity. "stringArray": false }
标准 (Standard),對 javascript-obfuscator 設定分別為:
{ // Minifies the output code to reduce file size. "compact": true, // Enables control flow flattening for added complexity. "controlFlowFlattening": true, // Applies control flow flattening to 75% of the code. "controlFlowFlatteningThreshold": 0.75, // Avoids injecting unnecessary dead code. "deadCodeInjection": false, // Moves strings into a separate array for obfuscation. "stringArray": true, // Applies string array obfuscation to 75% of strings. "stringArrayThreshold": 0.75 }
增强 (Enhanced),對 javascript-obfuscator 設定分別為:
{ // Minifies the output code to reduce file size. "compact": true, // Enables control flow flattening for added complexity. "controlFlowFlattening": true, // Applies control flow flattening to 90% of the code. "controlFlowFlatteningThreshold": 0.9, // Adds dead code to make reverse engineering harder. "deadCodeInjection": true, // Inserts dead code in 40% of places. "deadCodeInjectionThreshold": 0.4, // Keeps global variable names unchanged for compatibility. "renameGlobals": false, // Moves strings into a separate array for obfuscation. "stringArray": true, // Encodes strings in the array using Base64. "stringArrayEncoding": ["base64"], // Applies string array obfuscation to 90% of strings. "stringArrayThreshold": 0.9, // Obfuscates object keys for added security. "transformObjectKeys": true }
安全 (Secure),對 javascript-obfuscator 設定分別為:
{ // Minifies the output code to reduce file size. "compact": true, // Enables control flow flattening for added complexity. "controlFlowFlattening": true, // Applies control flow flattening to all code. "controlFlowFlatteningThreshold": 1, // Adds dead code to make reverse engineering harder. "deadCodeInjection": true, // Inserts dead code in 50% of places. "deadCodeInjectionThreshold": 0.5, // Renames global variables for better obfuscation. "renameGlobals": true, // Moves strings into a separate array for obfuscation. "stringArray": true, // Encodes strings in the array using RC4 encryption. "stringArrayEncoding": ["rc4"], // Applies string array obfuscation to all strings. "stringArrayThreshold": 1, // Obfuscates object keys for added security. "transformObjectKeys": true }
极致 (Ultimate),對 javascript-obfuscator 設定分別為:
{ // Minifies the output code to reduce file size. "compact": true, // Enables control flow flattening for added complexity. "controlFlowFlattening": true, // Applies control flow flattening to all code. "controlFlowFlatteningThreshold": 1, // Adds dead code to make reverse engineering harder. "deadCodeInjection": true, // Inserts dead code in all possible places. "deadCodeInjectionThreshold": 1, // Renames global variables for better obfuscation. "renameGlobals": true, // Moves strings into a separate array for obfuscation. "stringArray": true, // Encodes strings using both Base64 and RC4 encryption. "stringArrayEncoding": ["base64", "rc4"], // Applies string array obfuscation to all strings. "stringArrayThreshold": 1, // Obfuscates object keys for added security. "transformObjectKeys": true, // Converts characters to Unicode escape sequences for obfuscation. "unicodeEscapeSequence": true, // Replaces console output calls with empty functions to hide debugging messages. "disableConsoleOutput": true }
本插件天然支持 CI/CD,只需從 Build Panel 导出当前平台的构建选项配置为 json 文件,用于命令行构建。